Thursday, April 30, 2015


Skirt Sports is having a #REALwomenmove campaign.  I have the incredible privilege of being an ambassador for Skirt Sports.  It is an great company dedicated to helping women move and feel pretty in some awesome workout wear.
Real women. Real bodies. Real Inspiration. That is what it's all about. Thirty years ago after a cesarean delivery, the nurse told me I had to get up and move.  No way. I can't. It hurts.  But I trusted her experience and knowledge and did as told.  I could not believe how good I felt afterwards.  It was a lesson for me.  Our bodies were made to move.  If we don't move, we degrade, we atrophy.

I was an avid walker for years, but I lost my walking buddy.  I hated walking by myself.  Too slow and boring. So I did the couch the 5k method to learn to run, at age 54. Loved it from my first six minute slow jog. A year later, I learned to paddle board. So. Much. Fun.

Healthy moves. No matter your age. No matter your size. No matter the pace. Be amazed at your body. Forget the Hollywood images of athletes.  Sign up for a race, a big one, and look around.  Athletes are all sizes and ages.  Read all the inspirational stores of REAL women moving and then write your own story.

Dedicated to my friends who move and are real women with real bodies, and are a real inspiration.

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