Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Half Marathon Training

I made up my training schedule for my next half marathon. I am using Jeff Galloway's run/walk method and plan to follow it to a T. I picked the one for a goal of 2:20 finish, only because he didn't have one for a 2:30 finish. However, because of my age and that I am a beginner runner, I am stretching it out from now to November. Slow and easy. Hopefully this will prevent any injuries.

I like that the two weekly short runs are...very short. I'll do 4/1 intervals for those and just work at getting faster in those short little 30 minute runs. The long runs I'll change to 3/1 intervals with the goal of running a pace two minutes slower than the projected race pace. To finish in 2:30 my race pace will have to be 11:30, so my long runs will be 13:30. Wow, that is slow. I'm committed to it though. I don't want any injuries. It also schedules some 800 meter runs at a 5:10 pace, just to get the feel of faster running. Not sure I can do that but I hope to work up to that.

I'm excited. I've missed the long runs and that wonderful, sweaty, spent feeling you get from them. It will still be several weeks before I even get up to seven miles. Hope this isn't stretched out too much. Is there such a thing?


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